Editions of ApplicationIQ
ApplicationIQ exists in three editions that are: Process-Maker, Professional, Premium.
You can consult the comparison table of editions.
Each edition is multilingual and works, at the choice of the user, in English or French.

This edition allows:
to simply define (in natural language) the development process of enterprise and the rules of modeling.
to define the modes of navigation. Those modes of navigation will be used to refer to all the elements of a project in a transverse way, by following the process of development chosen by the company. Typically, a navigation mode :
can go back instantly a class design to upstream use cases
consult a requirements document, and then instantly go at the use cases relevant to this requirement, then go to design classes and to code. Understanding of projects is then optimized.

This edition allows:
to modify your UML model to integrate it into the development process. For this, ApplicationIQ contains two powerful tools for multiple stereotyping by criteria selection:
a tool to stereotype entities,
a tool to stereotype relations.
to browse all project in transversal way. Especially, an analyst or a developer can easily consult all the elements constituting the subset of a project that concerns him: documentation of the requirements, use cases, related classes, ...
to perform an audit of the UML model of a project and verify if it complies with the rules of the process chosen by the company and if necessary list the anomalies.
to view the completeness of a reverse engineering project. ApplicationIQ allow to identify artifacts that do not lead to code. Conversely, ApplicationIQ is used to identify classes (i.e. code) which are not connected to any analysis, no use case nor any requirements document.

This edition includes all the features of the editions: